Safety Enhancement for Lone Workers With Reliable Monitoring Solutions
Working alone poses many risks, ranging from physical injury to loss of life. While protective equipment like hardhats, ear muffs and gloves can protect against minor injuries, more serious hazards may not be apparent to lone workers when they are out in the field.
Lone worker safety enhancements require a combination of protocols, training techniques and technology. Smart devices with integrated solutions allow lone workers to be monitored and communicated with, even in remote locations with limited or no cellular coverage. This type of solution is designed to help a person in an emergency situation, such as an accident or violent attack.
A dependable lone worker monitoring device should offer multiple communication channels, including voice and text messaging. This allows a lone worker to notify a designated monitor that they are experiencing an emergency, such as being lost or feeling unwell. It also helps in ensuring that an employee is not exposed to a work-related risk, such as being near a dangerous area or chemical spillage, by sending an alarm with location information.
The system should offer live monitoring and instant text or email alerts, clearly stating the lone worker’s name, location, reason for the alarm (such as man down, panic/SOS, or exposure to gas hazard) so that it is instantly understood by a manager or emergency responder. It is also important that the lone worker safety device has a fall detection feature, which can be triggered if a lone worker falls or is trapped and can not call for help themselves.
To make sure that the system is reliable, it should continually capture uptime metrics and reliability data. This can be done across the entire solution or on individual components and flows. It can then be used to identify trends and to ensure that a lone worker safety solution is meeting established reliability targets.
Another way to make sure that a lone worker safety solution works is to test the device regularly. This can be done by running various scenarios, such as an automatic check-in, to see if the device is operating correctly. It is also a good idea to conduct field tests with real lone workers to get a more realistic idea of how the system will perform in the field.
Lone worker monitoring devices should use both cellular and satellite technology, so they can be utilized in remote locations with limited or no cellular signal. They should be easy to use, with no clunky or complicated software, and can be used by anyone who has an Android or iPhone. They should also be compatible with existing smartphone applications to save on hardware costs.
Every organisation should have a clear policy outlining arrangements that are in place to protect employees who work alone. This should be communicated to all lone workers during their inductions and team meetings, so that they know what is expected of them. It should also be updated to reflect any changes in the working environment, such as a change in emergency procedures or contact details for those responsible.
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Drayton Valley, AB
T7A 1R7