
Licensee Lookup

Licensee lookup is a useful tool for the public and businesses that need to verify licenses. It allows them to look up an individual’s or company’s licensing status and provides information about their education, background, and current employment. It also provides details about their professional license, including whether it’s inactive, active, revoked, or suspended. In addition, the lookup tool can tell them if the person or business has an insurance bond.

The online lookup tool is easy to use. Simply enter a 7-digit reference number or all or part of the name and select a license type and/or a status (active, inactive, revoked, or suspended). It’s recommended that you limit the number of search fields to one or two as adding more criteria could unnecessarily restrict your results and make it difficult to find the record you are looking for. You can also choose to search by city, zip code, county, and census tract in order to narrow your search results.

If you are searching for a business, please select the Business Type from the drop down menu at the top of the search screen. This option will provide results for all businesses licensed by the Department. In addition, this option will help ensure that the correct discipline is being searched for.

You can also choose to view disciplinary documents by clicking on the “View Documents” button next to each result. Please note that disciplinary documents may not be available for all individuals or firms, and some documents are not downloadable.

This online tool is provided to help individuals and businesses check the licensing status of an Illinois professional or business South Carolina licensee lookup licensee. The information provided through this tool is considered primary source verification. It is updated instantly and includes all information about the person or business’s insurance license, such as their name, license number, occupation, state of licensure, expiration date, and insurance agency. The disciplinary history is also shown, and this can be helpful when conducting an investigation or considering hiring someone new.

A revoked or suspended license means that the individual or business is no longer licensed to do business in your area. It is therefore important to know if a person or business has a valid license before doing any work with them. To avoid being scammed, it is advisable to run a licensee lookup before hiring anyone.

The disciplinary history section on this website lists any disciplinary action taken against a licensee or registrant by board. You can also view the date of compliance for final disciplinary actions after January 1, 2005. This is a useful tool for consumers, employers, and professional associations that need to check the license of a potential employee or contractor. The information contained on this page is subject to change at any time and it is the responsibility of the user to determine the current licensing status of a particular licensee or registrant. For any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the licensing information on this website, please contact LARA.